
Monday, September 29, 2014

Flag without wind

A flag represents an idea, or an ideal. It is neither a mere piece of decoration, nor an object to be honored for itself. It is honored for what it represents. In times of war, flags inspired courage and pride among soldiers, reminding them of what they are fighting and dying for. Many flags are held in high esteem for their history, for the sacrifices made by the people and for the values for which the country and people stand.

The image above is one of the most inspiring images from second world war. The image tells a complete story of individuals sacrificing everything for what they believe in. You don't have to be American to appreciate its meaning.

This representation of flags applies to groups and companies that are composed of people working together to achieve an important goal. It is not uncommon for private enterprises to carry their own

Displaying Flags

A flag should always be displayed in all its gloriousness. A flag flying through the air can be such as majestic sight. The flag withstanding the blowing wind is a good symbolism for people working together to face challenges.

 However, without wind, a flag on top of a pole can look lifeless and simply uninteresting. It is in these cases in which banner flags attached to frames are preferred.