
Monday, July 20, 2015

Respecting the Flag and Its People

Globalization refers to the process of international assimilation resulting from the exchange of world views, trade, ideas and other cultural aspects. Citizens of different countries are becoming more aware of the presence and significance of other nations. And with globalization, equality between countries are also becoming more important to citizens and leaders of other countries.

There is an ongoing competition on a global scale. The developing countries are trying to establish socio-economic and political significance while the most powerful nations try to maintain their dominance.

There is nothing that better signify and represent  countries and its citizens than nation flags. These flags carry the history and ideals that the countries are built upon. Respecting the national flag is form of showing respect to the country and its citizens. This respect is apparent at the UN headquarters where flags of member countries are arranged in a circle to symbolize cooperation and show that no one country is more important than the other despite socio-economic differences.

The practice of flying a flag or flagging promotes respect and pride for the country and the people it encompasses. Every country has different laws regarding the proper way of displaying flags. Some are based on international guidelines that help promote respect between different countries. These guidelines are often taught to kids in school and are strictly reinforced in the military. Failure to follow these guidelines can lead to punishments or penalties.