
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Advertising Flags in Areas with Salty Air

One of the most cost-effective marketing tools are advertising flags. These low-maintenance marketing tools are very effective in getting the attention of people and directing it towards a certain business. A flag, flagpole, pulley, halyard and foundation are all that are needed to created a long-lasting marketing set-up. As long as the right kind of materials are being used for installation conditions, advertising flags should be able to last for a very long time.

One of the challenging conditions for advertising flags are places with salty air. This is problem commonly faced in locations near the sea. The salt in the air causes the metal components of the flag setup to corrode very rapidly.

The flagpole is the component that is most vulnerable to salty air. The majority of advertising flags use steel as the material for flagpole. Steel is cheaper compared to other materials while offering great structural strength. The structural strength makes it possible to fly flags even in strong wind conditions. But the structural strength of the steel can be compromised by corrosion or rusting.

That is why for advertising flags in areas near the sea, it is important to use flagpole materials that are resistant against corrosion. Simply coating the steel pole with paint is often not enough due to other conditions that can cause the paint to quickly cheap away. A special type of paint have to be used in order to protected the steel  flagpole. A ceramic insulation paint is the preferred paint for steel structures near the sea. A special type of steel called weathering steel is also used to maximize resistant against corrosion.

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