
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Fire Suppression Maintenance

Fire suppression systems save lives and properties. Proper maintenance is needed to ensure that a fire suppression system is able to perform its function. Things like corrosion, ice, leaks, and electronic problems can prevent the system from performing its duty in the event of a fire. This makes maintenance an integral part of fire safety.

A good maintenance practice involves regular inspection and immediate repairs to problems. With fire suppression system, one cannot afford to let any problem linger as failure can mean death and loss of properties. That is why regular inspection must be conducted. The inspection is designed to search for signs of problems that may affect the performance of the suppression system. The formation of rust and presence leaks are common problems to watch out for. Rusted components weaken the structure of the suppression system. Leaks can cause water damage to the nearby structure. It can also affect the ideal pressure within the fire suppression system, making it less efficient at delivering the suppressant compound in the event of a fire. Rusted components must be replaced and leaks must be plugged and sealed immediately.

Winter temperatures can cause water in the fire suppression system to turn into ice. It is for this reason that fire suppression antifreeze is added to the system to lower the freezing point of the water and prevent it from turning into ice. The amount of antifreeze in the water must be maintained at a certain level. Manufacturers of sensors have ways for the user to inspect or test if they are functioning as needed.

It is recommended that the fire suppression system is inspected at least once a year. The ideal time for inspection is before winter since winter conditions cause the most trouble for the systems with the cold temperatures and the prevalent use of heating appliances. In most countries, there is a significant uptick in fire incidents during the colder months.

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